Total Vision
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How to Reduce Eye Strain from Screens

A young man rubs his eyes after experiencing fatigue from prolonged computer work.

The effects of eye strain caused by digital devices can be effectively treated by taking frequent breaks, blinking more often, and using artificial tears. To prevent eye strain, making small adjustments can help, such as adjusting the screen and your posture, wearing blue light glasses, using proper lighting conditions, and visiting your optometrist for routine eye exams. […]

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How to Properly Insert Scleral Lenses

Close-up of a woman's hands holding a contact lens container while her right hand holds a contact lens.

It’s not simply a matter of popping scleral lenses the way you might with standard contact lenses; time, precision, patience, and the three-finger tripod method will make the insertion process much easier. Your optometrist can arrange a special contact-lens fitting session to guide you through the process and make sure you’re comfortable getting the lenses in and out before you take them home. […]

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How Long Do Scleral Lenses Last?

Close-up of a woman's right eye as she puts a contact lens in using her right hand.

Some people may get up to a year’s wear, while others may have to replace them every 3–6 months. In some cases, the lenses can last up to 3 years. It all depends on the level of care and maintenance the lenses are provided. Even the shape and size of your eyes matter, so it’s recommended that you consult with a professional. […]

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